Thursday, 1 January 2015

Linkedin Integration with Odoo

How to integrate Linkedin with Odoo?

First of all we required following modules installed in Odoo.
  • web_linkedin
  • auth_oauth
After install above module in Odoo, We need API key of Linkedin to integrate with Odoo. For that purpose we need to create application in Linkedin, use this link

Click on Add New Application and follow below steps.

Here is an example of an Application. You may need to use your website URL.

Now agree with condition and it will generate a API key and Secret Key. Note API key because we need to use in Odoo.

Give API key to Odoo under Settings => Configuration => Sales => Social Network Integration

Apply and now go Sales => Sales => Customers and click on create button it will open below form.

Now Click on Blue button "in" it will open a pop-up below which will give you a company name and people name. And also we can find a people from the Linkedin form the right side of pop-up window.

I hope you like this article. Share your views to improve content. Happy Learning !!! 

Youtube Video


  1. hi, thank you for post.
    But i have problem with odoo module web_linkedin. it uses r_network param witch absent in linkedin application settings.
    do you know something about this?

    Thank you

    1. Currently LinkedIn is upgrading api so might be that cause issue.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for sharing it.

    Could you explain how we can use this for odoo 9 based on new features?


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